Saturday, November 26, 2016

Overwhelmed by the Details...

Overwhelmed by the Details

You want to start a project and you have a fairly good idea of what it should be when you are finished and then you begin, only to be hauled up short by the details. By those picky little things that have to be dealt with before you are ever going to get a solid foothold into your idea.

You try to avoid them. Circumventing their purpose, but what you wind up with is a basket full of odds and ends, another crate of bits and pieces, and you struggle with putting them together. Correctly.

Sooner or later, that laziness is going to catch up with you and it is going to be twice as difficult to gather the data and correctly squash it into the mess you’ve got now. Starting over will be quicker, but, stubbornness wields the brain and you poke and prod. Moving this object to that spot and those articles to the other area, like rearranging the contents of the dishwasher to get just one more item in. Sometimes you can fit the circumstances to the decision, but usually, if you set off on a fresh track, with the data in-hand, the job becomes effortless.

It is all in the details. They are overwhelming. Armed with them, though, the task is far less irksome and tedious. You have less corrections and rearrangements. It clicks faster.

Just do not lose the list.

Okay. You is me, my or I, whichever works best. Maybe mine? Those pesky little details.


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