As opposed to hot-male
Which, I think I would prefer...All of that has, apparently, changed...
Now hotmail (and others) insist on ‘knowing’ who/m is using their services. They want a verification that you are who/m you say you are and you have only ONE account associated with any given phone number.Whoa... wait a minute! Back the train up here. PHONE number? When did I agree to offer a phone number? As far as I can tell, it is MY choice whether or not I wish to ‘verify’ my account(s). And, as far as I can ascertain, they have not changed that stipulation. Oh, but wait!
Yes, now they need to verify you so they can alert you if anything untoward happens to your account, or if someone hijacks it and begins using it for nefarious purposes. So far, the only one hijacking my VERIFIED ALREADY account(s) are/is the conductor of the site itself; yup, Microsoft.
When I signed up to hotmail I wasn’t as web savvy as I am now (and that ain’t sayin’a whole lot!) and I happily punched in all my ‘real’ info; yup, even verified with a phone number. And since the induction of Windows 8, and subsequently 8.1, I have been requested three times to re-verify my account. I no longer care to share my ‘real’ info with them if they cannot keep it safe during upgrades.
I now have two ‘un-verified’ accounts while my verified ones gasp pathetically and cry, “Why? Why have you abandoned us? What did we do wrong?” Oh, my name is still real, but the verification of it will never be known, you’ll just have to take my word for it...
Why do they ask us to verify if they are not going to store the information permanently?
I know I have been griping about this for a while, but it really irks me that I went through all the trouble of establishing myself (twice, actually) if they keep changing the rules, I’m quitting the game... I haven’t got the knowledge to beat them at their game, so I will just refuse to play...Next time: Happier thoughts! (I have found and COMPLETED my novels series and am awaiting covers...)
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Google apparently needs you to verifiy you are a human and not an android... I guess I am okay with that, after all, no one likes spam... (Except in Hawaii... it gets GREAT reviews there...) Anyway, I appreciate your taking the time to leave me a message, thank you for your consideration. Have a wonderful day... or at least pretend to! luv khrys...